Josh Wrabel is an anointed preacher and praise and worship leader. He has been involved in the ministry of helps for over 20 years as a Worship Leader, Senior Pastor, Church Planter and everything in between. He is a guy’s guy with a down to earth sense of humor and a humble & lovable personality.

Josh preached his first sermon for a men’s fellowship at the age of 12 at his home church, Believers Fellowship Center in Johnstown, NY, which was his home church for 20 years. Josh completed Supernatural Ministries Training Institute under Dr. Mark Barclay in 2005.

In 2006, Josh moved to Santa Barbara, CA, where he served faithfully at West Coast Believers Church with Pastors RayGene and Beth Wilson for five years and where he received his ordination.

Josh is an amazing dad to his incredible daughter Ruthie. 

In 2011, Pastors Ray Gene and Beth sent out Josh to start a church in Santa Paula, CA. In April of 2012, Our City Church was birthed with 24 people in attendance. God grew the church supernaturally and many lives have been changed through the work of that local church.

In November of 2014, God woke Pastor Josh up with a vision of a scrolling marquee with the words "WISE MASTERBUILDER". He knew that the Apostle Paul had made reference to this same phrase in 1 Corinthians 3:10 "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise masterbuilder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it." This was confirmation of the leading he had been getting, that it was time to hand Our City Church to the Assistant Pastors.

In May 2015, the transition of the Pastorate was handed over and a new season of ministry was born. 

After handing over Our City Church to the new pastors, Josh set his sight back on the great state of New York, which is also his home state, to continue his ministry to "REBUILD the local church, RESTORE the pastor, and REFRESH the move of the Holy Spirit." In July of 2016 Pastor Josh was chosen to be the next senior Pastor of Love City Church.

Pastor Josh married his beautiful bride Jessica in November of 2022! They look forward to all that God has in store for their lives and family and the family at Love City Church!